Funds in Health

Fundraising for Covid-19 Research in memory of Luigi Cirillo (Italy-VMCT)
1 nonprofit
Fundraising for Covid-19 Research in memory of Luigi Cirillo (Italy-VMCT)
(The above value already takes into account the Cisco match) follows the text in Italian We have all been affected by the untimely death of our dear former colleague, and friend for many, Luigi. We are bound to him by many years of working together, a chat at the coffee machine, or just some quick jokes exchanged walking in the aisles of the office ... memories that all of us will hold inside and will make us smile when thinking of him. In these months we have learned to stay away from each other, we have accepted the unacceptable, not being able to embrace those who were greeting us forever in one last hug. We have been forced to practice social distancing, but we have not resigned ourselves to losing our humanity, our need to be together and our ability to make ourselves feel present even when physical presence is not possible. Aware of how little is still known about coronavirus, we want to try to make Luigi and his family feel all our affection by proposing a fundraising campaign in favor of the Umberto Veronesi Foundation, to finance a research project on COVID-19. For details on the purpose of the collection you can refer to the Foundation website: If you want to make a contribution in this great battle, for and together with Luigi, you can make a donation here. Cisco will automatically double the amount donated by employees. Non-Cisco employees will also be able to donate can make the donation using this link and specifying “Covid-19 Research - in memory of Luigi Cirillo” with email to . At the end of August 2020 we will make a report with the names of those who participated in this fundraising campaign, completed by the photos we have of Luigi, and we will deliver it to his family. In thanking you, we want to hold you all in a big hug by stealing a slogan coined for this period: #DISTANTBUTNEAR ***** ***** Tutti noi siamo stati colpiti dalla prematura scomparsa del nostro caro ex-collega, per molti amico, Luigi. A lui ci legano molti anni di lavoro condiviso, quattro chiacchiere alla macchinetta del caffe, due battute scambiate velocemente quando ci si incrociava… ricordi che tutti noi ci porteremo dentro e ci faranno sorridere quando penseremo a lui. ***** In questi mesi abbiamo imparato a stare lontani gli uni dagli altri, abbiamo accettato l’inaccettabile, non potendo stringere in un ultimo abbraccio chi ci stava salutando per sempre. Siamo stati costretti a praticare il distanziamento sociale, ma non ci siamo rassegnati a perdere la nostra umanità, il nostro bisogno di stare insieme e la nostra capacità di farci sentire presenti anche quando la presenza fisica non è possibile. ***** Consapevoli di quanto poco ancora si conosca del coronavirus, vogliamo allora provare a fare sentire a Luigi tutto il nostro affetto proponendo una raccolta fondi a favore della Fondazione Umberto Veronesi per finanziare un progetto di ricerca sul COVID-19. Per i dettagli sulla finalità della raccolta puoi riferirti al sito della Fondazione: . ***** Se vuoi dare un contributo in questa grande battaglia, per e insieme a Luigi, puoi fare una donazione qui. Cisco raddoppierà automaticamente la cifra donata dai dipendenti. Le persone non dipendenti Cisco potranno donare andando al sito della fondazione: specificando “Ricerca Covid-19 - in memoria di Luigi Cirillo” con email a . A fine agosto faremo un resoconto con i nomi di chi ha aderito, completato dalle foto che abbiamo di Luigi e le consegneremo ai familiari. Nel ringraziarvi, vogliamo stringervi tutti in un grande abbraccio rubando uno slogan coniato per questo periodo: #Lontanimavicini
COVID-19 Relief Effort for India Fund
0 nonprofits
COVID-19 Relief Effort for India Fund
The COVID-19 pandemic marks an unprecedented time in modern history that will require the best of humanity to overcome. The new coronavirus has taken thousands of lives and spread to nearly every country in the world. Your donation to this fund will support immediate and long-term relief and recovery in vulnerable communities during one of the most challenging times we have collectively faced. This crisis threatens everyone's way of life, but it is especially difficult for people who are already vulnerable, including those with pre-existing medical conditions, older adults, individuals experiencing homelessness, refugees and migrants, wage workers, and those with inflexible jobs. Your donation to this fund will help stop the virus's spread and give communities on the front lines of the crisis the resources they need to act quickly and protect the most vulnerable. Donations are already helping to: - Send doctors, nurses, and other front line responders to communities in need - Get masks, ventilators, and other lifesaving medical supplies to hospitals and clinics - Deliver essential items to struggling families and older individuals in quarantined cities and refugee camps - Feed children that rely on school meals as their only source of nutrition - Support hygiene awareness efforts - And much, much more... Your donation to this fund will help build stronger response capacities in communities in India so that we are all better equipped to face future outbreaks. Indian Women and Child Welfare Trust will send you regular email updates about how your donation has been put to use.
2020 COVID-19 & Humanitarian Crisis Disaster Relief Fund - Yemen
1 nonprofit
2020 COVID-19 & Humanitarian Crisis Disaster Relief Fund - Yemen
2020 COVID-19 Disaster Relief Fund - Yemen ( Yemen Sadly is going through the Worst Humanitarian Crises in the world 24 million Starving) Yemen is the largest Humanitarian crises in the world with more than 24million people (80% of the population in need of humanitarian assistance). They are fighting Epidemic (Cholera), a pandemic (COVID- 19), a famine (Scarcity of food) and a War all at the same time!! The COVID-19 pandemic added to people’s suffering in Yemen it is hitting vulnerable communities those living in war zones and internally displaced peoples hardest. Without consistent access to running water, sanitation, medical services and inability to keep physical distance, these communities are at great risk. To help protect and support these communities, the ICRC's teams are fighting to prevent the spread of this disease by supporting vital health care centers and providing crucial items and working with the Yemen Red Crescent to improve the conditions of people in 18 quarantine facilities through the donation of household items, food, medical supplies , medicines, personal protective items, personal hygiene and cleaning items, among others. Moreover, the ICRC is continuing its vital work in supporting the livelihoods and health of vulnerable communities in areas affected by conflict. Your Kind support is highly appreciated! Every dollar counts No donation is too little to have an impact on someone’s life – Thank you!
Tina Swallow - LLS 2020 Man & Women of the Year Campaign Fund
0 nonprofits
Tina Swallow - LLS 2020 Man & Women of the Year Campaign Fund
Calling on our Cisco family to help support an amazing opportunity to assist more than one million Americans living with blood cancers. The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has nominated our own, Tina Swallow as a candidate in the “Man & Woman of the Year” fundraising campaign. We have a small team working to raise as much money as possible in a 10-week period for LLS. We have from May 7, 2020 - July 18, 2020, to meet our goals! Every dollar raised counts as one vote and the candidate who gets the most votes (raises the most money) is named the Man or Woman of the Year. This year, the National Capital Area (NCA) chapter of LLS selected 26 candidates to reach its fundraising goal of $3.5 million. I know these are unprecedented times and COVID-19 is changing the world at a rapid pace. Times are hard, there are fears and a lot of unknowns. In these challenging times, there is one thing we do know – Every 3 minutes someone is diagnosed with blood cancer and the COVID-19 crisis does nothing to change that fact. In addition to a grueling battle against cancer, patients are now faced with the threat of a virus that could put them at further risk, as well as the possibility of delays in treatment, as hospitals face maximum capacity. This campaign is very personal to Tina. Her oldest son Beau was diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer at age 12 and was given a 5-7% chance of surviving past treatment. After 23 rounds of chemo, an 8-hour surgery and 6-weeks of radiation, Beau found the strength to persevere. Visit to read more about her story.