Funds in Poverty

Basic Needs- Education,Shelter and COVID19 support to the poverty  Fund
1 nonprofit
Basic Needs- Education,Shelter and COVID19 support to the poverty Fund
1. Support 30 more kids for 2021 and 2022 school year : DBSSS has identified more than 30 poorest of the poor children of all ages who are deprived of their basic right to education due to the financial crisis during the covid-19 period as many of their parents were forcefully terminated by their managements from their jobs. We are waiting eagerly for kind hearted people to come forward either with sponsorship or scholarships to support them for their educational needs like tuition fee, books, uniforms, nutrition etc. DBSSS would mediate to help them realize their goal in life with timely reporting. The best gift one can give is the gift of education. 2. COVID-19 Relief support : Even though the Covid-19 impact is very bad DBSSS team has been working relentlessly from day one to gather food supplies, cooking food, packing, transporting and distributing food supplies to the poor from door to door. We are very much be empathetic to needy people who lost their livelihoods and who are stuck up at places other than their own for lac of transport facility. Many were forced to walk for hundreds of miles only to give up their life on the way due to starvation. Now there is an urgent need to provide them provisions to stop starvation in the current Covid-19 as it is taking different turns. 3. Housing for homeless : Shelter is the necessity for all human beings. 30% of the population in Hyderabad enjoy staying in their own residence but 50% of middle class people live in rented houses and 20% poorest of the poor population live in utter poverty which is resulted with lot of slums, highly populated with unhygienic condition, no less moral standards. With in our limited resources we have been giving our efforts to put up single bedroom, kitchen, hall and washroom to nearly 27 families with our donors help here and abroad. visit website for more details :
India Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund
0 nonprofits
India Covid-19 Emergency Relief Fund
COVID-19 cases are surging in India, where health centers are overwhelmed with the demand for care. They need oxygen and vaccines. They also need clean water. Help us save lives. Help us get water to critical points of care so that frontline staff can care for patients safely and those suffering are assured the most basic tenets of care. Health centers require running water to maintain basic hygiene, keep patients hydrated and ensure doctors and nurses are able to wash hands between patients. That's where you come in. Make an emergency donation to support Covid-19 humanitarian aid. $1,000 can help prevent the spread of Covid-19 by keeping the water flowing in rural communities and health centers during India's dry season. $500 can build mobile handwashing stations, bringing hygiene to vulnerable communities so that people can wash hands on the go. $250 could provide health centers with emergency handwashing stations and toilets so that frontline health staff can protect themselves and their patients. $75 can get urgent hygiene messaging to vulnerable populations in dozens of languages to safeguard public health. We are monitoring the Covid-19 crisis closely in numerous countries and will launch rapid response efforts where needed. With India's dry season fast approaching, the situation will rapidly become more dire, and emergency water supplies will be needed. Your emergency donation will help WaterAid reach people in India with life-saving clean water and hygiene programs to combat the spread of Covid-19. Why WaterAid? Since 1981, WaterAid has reached 26.4 million people with clean water and 26.3 million with decent toilets. We have been water, sanitation and hygiene experts for four decades. We believe in long-term solutions. WaterAid is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization (EIN/ tax ID number 30-018-1674). Your donation will go where it is most urgently needed.