All Community created Funds

Maxim Gorky Community Library & Cinema Renovation Initiative Fund
0 nonprofits
Maxim Gorky Community Library & Cinema Renovation Initiative Fund
We would like to request your support for a vital cause that holds a special place in the hearts of our community. The Maxim Gorky Library and Cinema have been cherished hubs of culture, education, and entertainment for decades. However, the wear and tear of time, compounded by a severe leak during the last winter, have left these beloved institutions in desperate need of restoration. Our mission is clear: to breathe new life into the Maksim Gorky Library and Cinema, ensuring that they remain vibrant centers of inspiration and knowledge for generations to come. We invite you to be a part of this transformative journey by contributing to our donation campaign. Why Your Support Matters: Library Renovation: Our library has been a source of education and enlightenment for our community. But, over the years, it has suffered from dilapidation, a lack of modern resources, and an aging infrastructure. With your help, we can renovate the library, create inviting reading spaces, and update our collection with the latest books and digital resources. Restoration of the Cinema: The Maxim Gorky Cinema has been a source of joy and cultural enrichment, screening classic and contemporary films. Unfortunately, it has also fallen into disrepair. Your donation will help restore this cinema to its former glory, providing a space where our community can come together to appreciate the magic of film. Ceiling and Wall Repairs: The library and cinema's ceilings and walls were severely damaged by a winter leak, jeopardizing the safety and comfort of our patrons. Your contribution will allow us to address these critical repairs, ensuring a secure and welcoming environment. Your generosity will not only help restore the Maxim Gorky Library and Cinema but will also preserve the cultural heritage and community spirit they represent. We sincerely appreciate your consideration of this important cause and look forward to your support. Together, we can make a difference.
Israel Relief Fund
2 nonprofits
Israel Relief Fund
Those of us with close family and friends in Israel appreciate how many of you have already reached out to check on us and show your support. As I’m sure most have heard, on Saturday morning Hamas terrorists launched a coordinated attack on Israel, just as many of us around the world were beginning to celebrate the Sabbath and the Jewish holiday of Simchat Torah. Bear in mind the situation is rapidly changing and official figures may change, but the brutal attacks have reportedly included countless missiles and a land invasion that has left over 700 dead, 2000 injured, and more than 100 kidnapped as hostages and taken to Gaza. To put these horrific events into perspective, recall that Israel is a small country with under 10 million people. Several of the victims also include citizens of the US, UK, and other nations around the world. Figuring out how to support the innocent victims of a war so far away can bring a feeling of helplessness, so we wanted to share some actions you can take: - Reach out to your Jewish friends to check in and show support. A large number of us have friends, family, and other ties to Israel - Stay informed and consume media from a variety of sources. Read the heartbreaking stories and try to comprehend the impact to millions of innocent lives - Donate to valuable causes and submit for your company match. Israel is in an all-hands-on-deck situation right now, and supporting life-saving organizations can help from afar Thank you for your support 💙
Help with the research and conservation of birds in Bulgaria Fund
0 nonprofits
Help with the research and conservation of birds in Bulgaria Fund
Who we are: We are Durankulak Bird Ringing Camp Assoc. Prof. Dr. Petar Shurulinkov! Our camp takes place on the Black Sea coast in the protected area of Lake Durankulak. Every year, between 15 August - 1 November, we live in tents and ring birds, where we welcome all aspiring bird researchers and volunteers of all ages and we strive to provide them with knowledge about nature study and preservation. What we do and why it’s important: Our primary objective is to study and document bird migration through Via Pontica - Europe’s second largest migration route, which runs along the Western part of the Black Sea Biogeographic Region. We do this by ringing birds! Bird ringing is one of the simplest yet most important ways of studying birds and bird migrations. By marking birds, we can track both their movements within a specific territory and migrations across long distances to and from their wintering grounds. Ringing is often the only way we can observe birds’ lifespans and the ages at which different species reach sexual maturity and begin to breed. Bird ringing provides population ecologists with crucial data on survival rates, causes of death, age distribution and population size for a given bird population. What we’ve achieved since the beginning: For the past four field seasons of the camp (2019-2022), a total of 53 717 birds /including recaptures/ of 124 species have been captured and ringed. Most of the captured birds have been measured and photographed, sex and age determined. Also birds ringed during the camp have already been recorded in other countries - Romania, Albania, Israel, Ukraine. On Durankulak we caught birds ringed in Belarus, Slovakia, Finland, Romania and Estonia. We also caught four very rare or new for the Bulgarian ornithofauna bird species. New to the Bulgarian ornithofauna is the species of Dark-crowned Warbler (Phylloscopus fuscatus). For the second time in Bulgaria was recorded and for the first time was caught a Blue-tailed Godwit (Tarsiger cyanurus). One Yellow-browed Warbler (Phylloscopus inornatus) and 4 Pallas's Leaf-Warblers (Phylloscopus proregulus), which are also very rare species for the Bulgarian ornithofauna, and which have been caught less than 10 times before. Other rare bird species of which 2-10 specimens were caught. In total are the Red Finch (Carpodacus erythrinus), the Yellow-headed Bunting (Motacilla citreola), the red-throated pipit (Anthus cervinus), the Lesser Snipe (Lymnocryptes minima) and the Corn Crake (Crex crex). A total of 140 experts and volunteers took part in the camp's activities over the three seasons. As a result of the work, three scientific papers were published including the more interesting ornithological findings: What we need: Our work is critically dependent on volunteers and donations to secure and maintain the camp’s equipment and scientific facilities: • different size aluminum rings • tools for bird ringing – ringing pliers, band openers, weighing scales, calipers, wing rulers, holding bags • mist nets and poles for bird capturing • portable speakers for playing bird records • rechargeable batteries for playback speakers • fuel for the transport of volunteers, bird ringers and shift coordinators • ringer’s handbooks • food for participants We need your support to continue our research on birds and Bulgaria’s wildlife.
Swim Across America - Charlotte Fund
1 nonprofit
Swim Across America - Charlotte Fund
In our lifetime, 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with cancer. I joined the Swim Across America community so that, together, we can change that. Last year I swam 2 miles and was able to share the accomplishment with my mother present at the event! I will be swimming swimming 2 miles (3520 yards / 3219 meters) again this year to show my support, raise awareness, and fund raise for cancer research. WE NEED TO FIND A CURE!!! I am dedicating this swim to my mother, Ursula Pugh, 6 year survivor of breast cancer and a good friends and colleagues whom we lost to cancer at the beginning of 2023: Joe Ruggiero and Bill Taylor. For my friends Gigi Madrid and Mary Ann Gottachalk Overturf whom are champions and fighters battling this disease today, and to all my family and friends that I have lost over the recent years; Ned Sexton, Tony Simpson (Throat), Malcolm Murphy (Bladder), Carol Grenier (Brain), Mr. Robinson (Pancreatic), Guy Merinac (Pancreatic), Herman Fons (Stomach), and many other countless losses. If you have any name(s) you would like for me to add to my support board, please send me them to me and I will be sure to add them! I will also send you a photo of the board at the event. If you are able, please support me by making a gift. The researchers we are funding are in our community and are the next generation of cancer pioneers. Without Swim Across America early stage funding, they are not able to conduct trials that can lead to breakthroughs that can save lives. Thank you for helping make an impact in the fight to find a cure!