All Community created Funds

The Power of Trees (Verified Reforestation) Fund
1 nonprofit
The Power of Trees (Verified Reforestation) Fund
The climate crisis is real and it is already affecting the world we are living in today. Climate change is the biggest challenge we face as individuals, as businesses, and as a planet. It is imperative that we take transformative, bold actions today to give us the best chance to secure a livable future. Nature-based solutions are a cost-effective means to deliver up to one third of the emissions reduction needed by 2030 - investment in nature today is key to transitioning to net zero by 2050 to meet the Paris Agreement. Moreover, restoring nature through investing in nature-based solutions can create real and substantial benefits for all: people, nature and the planet. Mother Trees is an international organization harnessing the power of trees to restore degraded landscapes through regenerative agroforestry and forest ecosystem restoration. Through its flagship approach, the Lifetree program, Mother Trees deploys a comprehensive agroforestry and forestry initiative designed to address critical challenges in the agricultural and forestry sectors across Africa. In Senegal, the conventional crop intensification model has proven inadequate, jeopardizing livelihoods, degrading soils, contributing to biodiversity loss, and aggravating the effects of climate change. The conventional peanut monocropping model has led to adverse environmental and economic impacts. The Ndankou and Patte Forests, despite successful past management, face threats such as encroaching peanut farming and reduced forest cover. The Lifetree Senegal program seeks to restore as much of the 30,000 hectares of degraded land surrounding the forests as possible, starting with 6,000 farming families each with one hectare each. By rehabilitating degraded lands, implementing sustainable practices, and fostering community ownership, the program aims to contribute to the long-term richness and sustainability of the Gambia River Watershed. The program's objectives encompass training farmers, rehabilitating farms, forming agroforestry cooperatives, and building the capacity for forest restoration through the Lifetree System. Executed over a four-year plan, Lifetree involves strategic planning, protection measures, and optimization for diverse and market-focused crops. The agroforestry design promotes resilience, sustainability, moisture retention, and natural pest control, aligning with the program's overarching goal of fostering prosperity and resilience. The initiative also addresses socio-economic aspects, promoting improved income, enhanced food security, youth employment, entrepreneurship, gender equality, and social inclusion.
Please Donate to the Pegasus Education Foundation, Paulsboro NJ Fund
1 nonprofit
Please Donate to the Pegasus Education Foundation, Paulsboro NJ Fund
Mission of the Pegasus Education Foundation The Pegasus Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) not for profit corporation with the mission of enhancing teaching and learning in the Paulsboro Public Schools. The Foundation provides: • Resources such as Action Grants to teachers to implement innovative programs for students. • Living essentials such as food to families of students in need. • Resources to aid students in the transition from high school to college, vocational training, and careers. • Funding for 21st century programs such as a Preschool – 12 STEAM Academy (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics). Ongoing Pegasus Education Foundation Projects: Feed the Children Campaign At this time, nearly 51% of the youngsters attending the Paulsboro Public Schools are considered economically disadvantaged. The number of homeless students is also increasing. As a result, the district was accepted into the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. This federally funded program provides free breakfast and lunch for every student enrolled in the school district. Unfortunately, food insecurity remains a significant challenge for many students. In order to address this challenge, the Board of Education and the Pegasus Education Foundation partnered to create the Feed the Children Campaign. Feed the Children provides $50 gift cards to local grocery stores to assist some of the neediest families. To date, approximately 480 gift cards have been/will be distributed. It is noteworthy that the Carmel S. Morina Sons of Italy Lodge conducted a benefit spaghetti dinner on July 7, 2023. The Lodge donated every dollar ($2,591) raised to Foundation to use in the Feed the Children Campaign. Pegasus Scholars Students are able to earn college create while still in high school by participating in dual credit and high school option programs. Statewide, 22.3% of students earn college credit prior to high school graduation. Unfortunately, prior to the 2022-2023 school year, no Paulsboro High School students earned college credit prior to graduation. During the 2022-2023 school year, the Board of Education and Pegasus Education Foundation partnered to pay tuition costs for the 22 (11% of the PHS junior and senior students) Paulsboro High School students who participated in college credit programs. During the first semester of the current school year, 24 students earned college credit. When second semester courses are recorded, Paulsboro High School will be very close to the state average for these programs. The Foundation also wrote an application for a United Way of Gloucester County Live United Grant to help fund the Pegasus Schools Program. The grant was awarded in the amount of $1,000. The purpose of this grant was to help increase equity and diversity. At present, 56% of the Pegasus Scholars are students of color. The school administration and staff are now working to remove other barrier to participation in rigorous college courses. By illustration, many parents find the application process daunting. To address this challenge, an evening meeting took place at PHS so that college representatives and school staff could help parents with the application process. Another barrier to participating in college level courses is that students must pass the Accuplacer examination prior to enrolling. Transportation to colleges to take the exam was a barrier for many students. In order to address this challenge, the administration is working to have Accuplacer administered at Paulsboro High School. The district is also conducting after school tutoring courses to prepare student for Accuplacer. STEAM Center at Loudenslager Elementary School Another successful project jointly funded by the Pegasus Education Foundation and Paulsboro Board of Education is the STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) Center at Loudenslager Elementary School. Every student in grades 3-6 continue to have two periods of STEAM instruction every week in the state-of-the-art STEAM Center. I encourage you to go on Facebook and friend “Rebecca Ann” in order to see the high-quality activities taking place in the STEAM Center. STEAM Center at Billingsport Early Childhood Center STEAM instruction is also underway at Billingsport Early Childhood Center. Every student from preschool through grade 2 now receives two periods per week of hands-on STEAM activities. Having said this, the preschool through grade six component of the districtwide STEAM Academy is now “up and running” thanks to your generosity. While STEAM instruction is taking place, work still needs to be done to make the STEAM Center at Billingsport a user-friendly facility. Once again, Garrison Architects is leading the way by providing its design expertise free of charge. The Foundation is expecting the Board of Education to submit grant applications as follows. As always, the Foundation will donate matching funds to those provided by the Board of Education. o The desktop and laptop computers are physically too large for the preschool and kindergarten students. The school will ask the Foundation to help purchase iPads so that these children can fully participate in STEAM activities. o The technology room was designed for desktop computers. These fixed place computer locations are not user friendly for students moving from activity to activity using laptops and iPads. As a result, the school will ask to partner with the Foundation to update the electric and internet wiring in the technology room and STEAM Center. o Now that both Loudenslager Elementary School and Billingsport Early Childhood Center have STEAM Centers, it is important for the teachers to coordinate the curriculum and instruction being offered. Funds will be needed to pay the teachers for professional development time after school and on weekends.